Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Boo Yeah!

Today I broke down and did something about some general maintenance that I had been putting off on my beloved Doug-Doug. After all the trips back and forth between Chicago and Ann Arbor last month he was in serious need of an oil change. I located a Jiffy Lube which I have found to be generally reliable and started them on babying my baby. I went for the full flush out because, frankly, he needed it. In the process the friendly guys working on my car noticed that one of my headlights was out. Unfortunately they didn't have one to replace it. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I stopped at an auto supply store on my way home and got a new bulb and then I started tearing up the inside of my car. I came out a little dirty but successful and feeling super good about myself. Yay for conquering a new basic auto repair all on my own!


Zac said...

Hopefully you didn't start unscrewing the alignment screws - that was my mistake the first time I changed a headlight.

Jessica said...

Wait. Those screws were important?!!! Just kidding. No screws were harmed in the process.